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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Five Students from AU'S Department of Communication Studies Joined O-Team

Lauren Fattlar, Alexys McQuillen, Stephany Elgin, Taylor Campbell and Byron Reyna-Corzo joined Ashland University's Orientation Team and are in the Department of Communication Studies. The Department of Communication majors include Health and Risk Communication, Sport Communication and Public Relations and Strategic Communication.

Ashland University's O-Teamers are responsible for guiding freshmen through their transition to campus life during orientation weekend and drive-ins. O-Teamers are selected based on personality and academic standing. These students instruct, guide, entertain and support freshmen by organizing events, giving tours and moving freshmen in early. 

Lauren Fattlar is on left standing next to Alexys McQuillen. Stephany Elign is in the middle with Taylor  Campbell and Byron Reyna-Corzo on her right.